Ukrainian-Polish Scientific Forum AGROBIOPERSPECTIVES


Abstracts should not exceed 500 words, Times New Roman font size 12, single-spaced, up to 1 page, A4 format, margins: left and right - 2.0 cm, top and bottom - 2.5 cm.

A blank line between title and author(s), and affiliations(s), and between affiliation(s) and the text should be inserted.

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Specific requirements for writing sections of an abstract are provided below:

Title. Bold, upper case, font 14. Title should be short and clear and reflect the essence of your research.

Authors. Include first initial and surname of the authors, corresponding author e-mail. Name of a presenting author should be underlined.

Affiliations. List the institution, address, and country for each author.

Abstract Body:

Background. Briefly describe the relevance and current state of the investigated problem, specify the purpose of your research.

Methods. Specify the experimental scheme, research methods and the method of statistical processing.

Results. Summarize the most important results. All results must correspond to the methods described in the Methods section. We recommend that you include only data from the current study to this section and do not discuss literature here. Please provide clear indicators with assessment of variation, statistical significance, etc.

Conclusions. Clearly summarize and discuss key findings. All your statements must be supported by the results described above. Your conclusions should be related to Background, aim of the study and/or hypothesis.

Keywords: Up to five keywords may be provided.


S. Sachko, I. Vudmaska
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Institute of Animal Biology NAAS, Lviv, Ukraine
     After calving cows get into negative energy balance accompanied by glucose deficiency and
excessive release of fatty acids from adipose tissue. In assessing the metabolic status of cows during this
period, the focus is on the violation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, but such important aspect as
the ammonia intoxication, what is one of the factors of liver degeneration remains often out of attention.
The main contribution to the formation of ammonia in the rumen is performed by gram-positive hyper
ammonia producing bacteria (HAB). The activity of these bacteria is inhibited by ionophore antibiotics
that are prohibited for use as a feed supplement in the EU. The substitute for antibiotics may be hop
cones contained substances that selectively affect gram-positive bacteria, including HAB. However,
ionophores inhibit cellulolytic bacteria activity too. High doses of dietary vitamin E can stimulate fiber
degradation in the rumen. The purpose of our study was the possibility of use hops cones and vitamin E
as a complex for prevention of metabolic disorders in the transition cows.
     The experiment used twenty Ukrainian dairy black-and-white breed cows; milk yield 6000–7000 kg
for previous lactation; divided into two groups 10 animals each. The 1 st group is control. Diet of the 2 nd group
was supplemented with (per kg DM) 1 g of dry hop cones and 300 mg of α-tocopherol acetate as a 0.6 g
of Rovimix E-50 (NRC 2001 recommends 80 mg/kg for dry cows and 30 mg/kg for lactating cows).
Experiment lasted during transition period (from 3 wk prepartum until 3 wk postpartum).
     Supplementation the diet with hop cones and vitamin E has affected rumen fermentation. In par-
ticular, the feed additive stimulated cellulosolytic and suppressed proteolytic activities (P<0.01). As a re-
sult, the concentration of ruminal volatile fatty acids was increased. Reduced proteolytic activity led to
a decrease in ammonia concentration in the rumen (P<0.05). At the same time, the amount of microbial
nitrogen in the rumen of the experimental group of cows has moderately increased, what indicates
the absence of depress effect of the additive on the rumen microbiota in general. The feed supplement
reduced the concentration of lipid oxidation products (P<0.05) in the blood of dry cows, without affecting
other parameters. After calving, changes that are more significant were detected. In the blood of cows
of the experimental group an increase in the concentration of glucose (P<0.05), triacylglycerols (P<0.05),
cholesterol esters (P<0.05), and a decrease in the concentration of NEFA (P<0.05), TBARS (P<0.05), and
beta-hydroxybutyrate (P<0.05) were found.
     Consequently, supplementation the diets of transition cows with 300 mg of α-tocopherol acetate
and 1 g of dry hop cones per kg of DM stimulates the synthesis of glucose by the liver, reduces the intensity
of release of fatty acids from adipose tissue, suppresses peroxide oxidation and reduces the concentration
of ketone bodies in blood. Proposed feed supplement can be used to prevent metabolic disorders in cows.