Всеукраїнська науково-практична конференція молодих вчених

Публікації у виданнях категорії "Б" Переліку наукових фахових видань України

Публікації у виданнях категорії "Б" Переліку наукових фахових видань України


  1. Boniuk N. V., Shchebentovska O. M. Morphometric features of the duodenal wall in piglets during different periods of postnatal and neonatal ontogenesis under the influence of the ‘Globigen Jump Start’ feed additive. The Animal biology. 2024; 26(2): 3–10. https://doi.org/10.15407/animbiol26.02.003
  2. Buchkovska H, Chechet O, Kovalenko V, Vishchur O, Baranov V, Zakharin S, Asanova M, Kuchynskyi M, Gutyj B. Research on the properties of the biocidal drug “Iodosan”. Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Veterinary Sciences. 2024; 26(113): 42-7. https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet11307
  3. Chugaev S, Fedorovych V, Fedorovych Y. Qualitative composition of milk from Ukrainian Mountain Carpathian sheep. Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Agricultural sciences. 2024; 26(101): 50-54. https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet-a10108
  4. Kovalchuk, O., Tomchuk, V. Danchuk, V., Khymynets, P., Gutyj, B., Krachuk, S., Zhurenko, O., Kryvoruchko, D., Karpovskyi, V., Karpovskyi, P., Todoriuk, V., Hrelia, R., Zhurenko, V. The intensity of carbohydrate metabolism in the body of sows under the action of ferrum and germanium nanocompounds. Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Veterinary Sciences. 2024; 26(113): 179-183. https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet11327
  5. uriata N. V., Chechet O. M., Horbatyuk O. I., Pishchanskyi O. V., Musiiets I. O., Balanchuk L. V., Zhovnir O. M. Comparative analysis of different approaches for determining microbiological criteria in feed samples for animals and poultry. The Animal biology. 2024; 26(2): 36–41. https://doi.org/10.15407/animbiol26.02.036
  6. Kurtjak BM, Shevchuk VM, Suchomlin KB, Vishchur OI, Solovei LM, Romanovich MS, Rudenko OP. Peculiarities of epizootological surveillance and control of mycobacteriosis in productive animals in the conditions of dairy farms of Ukraine. The Animal biology. 2024; 26(1): 17–23. https://doi.org/10.15407/animbiol26.01.017
  7. Loboiko Y, Senechyn V, Pukalo P, Kychun I. Efficiency of using experimental feeds with different levels of nutrition in feeding rainbow trout. Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Agricultural sciences 2024; 26(100): 121-125 https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet-a10018
    Mykytiuk V, Mokdat Sanaa Y, Stapai P. Dependence of meat productivity on wool fineness in meat and wool ewes. Foothill and mountain agriculture and stockbreeding. 2024;75(2): 156–164. http://dx.doi.org/10.32636/01308521.2024-(75)-2-14
  8. Oliynyk IYa. From Chilean saltpeter to modern agriculture: navigating nitrate toxicity in ruminants through compartmental modeling. The Animal Biology, 2024; 26(2): 11–18. http://dx.doi.org/10.15407/animbiol26.02.011
  9. Prudyus T, Broda N. Influence of feed additive "enzaktive mix" on the hematological profile of the blood of sows and their piglets. SCIVP. 2024; 25(1): 127-132. https://doi.org/10.36359/scivp.2024-25-1.17
  10. Prudyus T. Biochemical and hematological characteristics of blood indicators, productivi-ty of piglets under the influence of additional feed “Activo”. Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Agricultural sciences. 2024; 26(100):173-178. https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet-a10027
  11. Prudyus T. Hematological and biochemical indicators of the blood of young piglets fed with the “Globigen Jump Start” feed additive. Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Agricultural sciences. 2024; 26 (101): 135–139. https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet-a10123
  12. Prudyus T. Ya., Masiuk M. B. The influence of feed additive “Activo” on the content of total lipids and their classes profile in liver and skeletal muscles of pigs. The Animal biology. 2024; 26(3): 35–38. https://doi.org/10.15407/animbiol26.03.035
  13. Radzyhovskyi M. L., Kuryata N. V., Pishchanskyi O. V., Dyshkant O. V., Androshchuk O. A., Sokulskyi I. M., Ukhovskyi V. V., Rudoi O. V. Features of in vitro cultivation of the field strain of canine parvovirus. The Animal biology. 2024; 26(2): 42–46. https://doi.org/10.15407/animbiol26.02.042
  14. Shpyt IV, Fedorovych VV, Kuziv NM, Chornyj IO. Variability of signs of milk productivity of cows depending on their lineal affiliation. SCIVP. 2024; 25(1): 251-257. https://doi.org/10.36359/scivp.2024-25-1.31
  15. Sidashova, S. Gutyj, B., Magrelo, N., Martyshuk, T., Dvylyuk, I., Sus, H., Vus, U., Todoriuk, V. Evaluation of the signals of the comfort of keeping dairy cows in the conditions of an industrial dairy complex. Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Veterinary Sciences. 2024; 26 (114): 78-85. https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet11412
  16. Sidashova, S. O., Gutyj, B. V., Ilchyshyn, M. M., Todoriuk, V. B., Martyshuk, T. V. The structure of gonadal dysfunctions in cows with chronic gynecological pathologies. Scientific Messenger of Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Veterinary sciences. 2024; 26 (116): 3-9. https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet11602
  17. Sidashova, S. O., Gutyj, B. V., Shnaider, V. L., Todoriuk V. B. Distribution of chronic latent gynecological pathologies in dairy cows. Scientific Messenger of Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Veterinary sciences. 2024; 26(115): 31-41. https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet11505
  18. Stapaj P, Sachko R, Paholkiv N, Buslyk T, Skorohid A. Dependence of sulfur content and physical parameters of wool of ewe hoggets on their breed and breeding zones. Visnyk agrarnoi nauky. 2024; 102(2): 43–7. http://dx.doi.org/10.31073/agrovisnyk202402-07
  19. Stetsyshyn M, Fedorovych V, Fedorovych Y. Correlations between economically useful traits of bees of different breeding crosses of the Carpathian breed. Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Agricultural sciences. 2024; 26(101): 91-95. https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet-a10115
  20. Yatsynka V, Fedorovych Y, Ferents L, Chornyj I. Formation of milk productivity in cows depending on the selection indices of their parents from different breeding countries. Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Agricultural sciences. 2024; 26(101): 156-161. https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet-a10127
  21. Yuzviak M. Influence of Zinc, Selenium and Germanium citrates nanoparticles on hematological and biochemical parameters of rabbits under moderate heat stress. The Animal Biology. 2024; 26(2): 47–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.15407/animbiol26.02.047
  22. Zelinka MP, Fedorovych YI, Mazur NP, Orikhivsky TV. Biochemical and morphological blood parameters of limousin breed cows of different selections. SCIVP. 2024; 25(2): 42-48. https://doi.org/10.36359/scivp.2024-25-2.05
  23. Zelinka, M. P., Fedorovych, Y. I., Mazur, N. P., Suprovych, T. M. Humoral and cellular components of the natural defense system in limousin cows of different breeding lines. Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Agricultural sciences. 2024; 26 (101): 119-123. https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet-a10120
  24. Зеленіна О, Влізло В, Скрипка М, Остапів Д, Найда В, Афанасьєва Л, Кемаль Т. Вплив пегільованого антибіотика енрофлоксацину на вміст протеїнів. Аграрний вісник Причорномор'я. 2024; (110): 128-42. https://doi.org/10.37000/abbsl.2024.110.21
  25. Ковальчук І. І., Співак М. Я., Химинець Т. М., Цап М. М., Пилипець А. З., Каплінський В. В., Романович M. M., Андрошулік Р. Л. Дослідження дії пробіотика Lactobacillus casei В 7280 за різної тривалості застосування на резистентність організму бджіл. Біологія тварин. 2024; 26(2): 27–31. https://doi.org/10.15407/animbiol26.02.027
  26. Куртяк Б. М., Шевчук В. М., Сухомлин К. Б., Віщур О. І., Соловей Л. М., Романович М. С., Руденко О. П. Особливості епізоотологічного нагляду та контролю за мікобактеріозами продуктивних тварин в умовах молочнотоварних господарств України. Біологія тварин. 2024; 26(1): 17–23. https://doi.org/10.15407/animbiol26.01.017
  27. Прудиус Т. Я., Камінський Р. М.Біохімічні та гематологічні особливості показників крові поросят раннього віку за впливу кормової добавки «Активо». Scientific Progress & Innovations. 2024; 27(1): 107–111. https://doi.org/10.31210/spi2024.27.01.18
  28. Стапай П. В., Буслик Т. В., Михалюк В. В., Стахів Н. П., Смолянінова О. О., Невоструєва І. В., Сачко Р. Г., Скорохід А. В., Пахолків Н. І. Співвідношення структурних протеїнів у вовні овець різних порід та з різною категорією волокон залежно від зон їх розведення. Біологія тварин, 2024; 26(1): 24–28. https://doi.org/10.15407/animbiol26.01.024
  29. Юзьвяк М. О., Лесик Я. В. Вплив Цинку, Селену та Германію цитратів на біохімічні показники крові кролів за умов теплового стресу. Acta Carpathica. 2024; 12(1): 5–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.32782/2450-8640.2024.1.1 


  1. Akymyshyn M, Kuzmina N, Ostapiv D. Isozymes of glutathione peroxidase in cow ovarian tissue under different physiological and pathological states of the gonad. Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Veterinary Sciences, 2023; 25(110): 127–130.https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet11021
  2. Bodnar YV, Kuzmina NV, Ostapiv DD, Chajkovska OI, Ostapiv RD. Oxidative processes in granulosa cells of cow ovarian follicles at follicular growth. Scientific and Technical Bulletin оf State Scientific Research Control Institute of Veterinary Medical Products and Fodder Additives аnd Institute of Animal Biology. 2023; 24(1): 33–38. https://doi.org/10.36359/scivp.2023-24-1.04
  3. Branets RM., Kuzmina NV, Denys GG, Ostapiv DD, Oleksa VV, Nahorniak MI, Samaryk VY, Varvarenko SM. Blood protein spectrum after feeding rats with metal complexes in the composition of a polymer transporter and a nutrient-deficient diet. Scientific and Technical Bulletin оf State Scientific Research Control Institute of Veterinary Medical Products and Fodder Additives аnd Institute of Animal Biology. 2023; 24(2): 46–53. https://doi.org/10.36359/scivp.2023-24-2.05
  4. Broshkov MM, Fedkalova TM, Vishchur OI. Dynamics of indicators of cellular immunity in puppies depending on the multiplicity of introduction the biological stimulus. Scientific Reports of NULES of Ukraine. 2023; 102(2). http://doi.org/10.31548/dopovidi2(102).2023.001
  5. Fedorovych VV, Fedorovych YI, Shpyt IV, Mazur NP. Milk productivity of cows under different options of parental pair selection. Animal Breeding and Genetics. 2023; 65: 142–152. https://doi.org/10.31073/abg.65.12
  6. Fedorovych VV,  Shpyt IV, Fedorovych YI, Suprovych ТМ. The signs of milk productivity of cows bred in different climatic zones depending on the year and season of their birth. Біологія тварин, 2023; 25(1): 9–14. https://doi.org/10.15407/animbiol25.01.009
  7. Fedorovych Y, Shpyt І, Fedorovych V, Tkachuk V, Chornyj I. Formation of signs of milk productivity of cows depending on their origin by father. Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Agricultural Sciences. 2023; 24(97): 142–148. https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet-a9824
  8. Golovach P, Gutyj B, Kolomiiets I, Ostapiv D, Oseredchuk R, Sloboda O. The effect of B groups vitamins (В1, В2, В5, В6, В11, В12) on the activity of antioxidants protection system enzymes and the content of lipids peroxide oxidation products in the blood of feeding cattle. Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Veterinary Sciences. 2023; 25(112): 22–26.https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet11203
  9. Klym O, Vorobel M, Kovalskyi Y, Rivis Y, Kaplinskyi V, Androshulik R. Nutritional value and modern approaches to the usage of the bee pollen. Foothill and Mountain Agriculture And Stockbreeding. 2023; 73(1): 134–149. https://doi.org/10.32636/01308521.2023-(73)-1-9
  10. Kotyk B. Effect of ethylthiosulfаnylate in combination with vitamin E on certain biochemical blood parameters and hematological indicators of rats under the influence of Cr(VI). Біологія тварин. 2023; 25 (1): 31–37. https://doi.org/10.15407/animbiol25.01.032
  11. Kovalchuk I, Androshulik R, Pylypets A, Tsap M. The content of total protein and its fractions in the hemolymph and body tissues of bees fed with Mg citrate Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Veterinary Sciences. 2023, 25(111): 90–96. https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet11114
  12. Kovalchuk II, Fedoruk RS, Mykola SY, Tsap MM, Pylypets AZ, Androshulik RL. The effect of probiotic Lactobacillus casei B-7280 added in different doses with sugar syrup on the vitality of bees. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. Series: Veterinary Medicine. 2023; 1(60): 39–45. https://doi.org/10.32782/bsnau.vet.2023.1.7
  13. Kovalchuk I, Tsap M, Androshulik R, Pylypets A, Denys G. The content of micro elements in the tissues of honey bees fed with magnesium citrate. Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Veterinary Sciences. 2023; 25(109): 8–12.https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet10902
  14. Kozak MR, Petruh IM. Blood biochemical parameters in mice under the action of polyphosphate esters and their complexes with antibiotics. The Animal Biology. 2023; 25(2): 3–7. https://doi.org/10.15407/animbiol25.02.003
  15. Kozyr VS, Denisyuk AV, Dimchya HG, Maistrenko AN, Grabovska OS. Productivity energy level of cows of Gray Ukrainian breeds and their reproductive qualities. The Animal Biology. 2023; 25(1): 15–19. https://doi.org/10.15407/animbiol25.01.015
  16. Kuziv M., Fedorovych V., Fedorovych Ye., Kuziv N. Influence of the selection of parent pairs on the variability of cows’ milk productivity indicators. Bulletin of Agricultural Science. 2023; 101(9): 44–51. https://doi.org/10.31073/agrovisnyk202309-06
  17. Kyrylіv Y, Fedak N, Petryshyn M, Prudyus T. Use of phytobiotics in calf feeding and their influence on the formation of rumen digestion and resistance. Foothill and Mountain Agriculture and Stockbreeding. 2023; 74(2): 126–133. https://doi.org/10.32636/01308521.2023-(74)-2-13
  18. Pakholkiv N, Nevostruyeva I, Hudyma V. Effect of vitamin D3 on hematologic indices and resistance of laying hens. Acta Carpathica. 2023; 1(39): 45–50. https://doi.org/10.32782/2450-8640.2023.1.5
  19. Prudyus T, Kyryliv Y. Productive, biochemical and morphological blood parameters of piglets for fitobiotic feed additive “Activo’’ feeding. Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Veterinary Sciences. 2023; 25(110): 111–116. https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet11014
  20. Prudyus ТY, Smolyaninov KB. “EnzActive mix” probiotic preparation effect on some metabolism sites and antioxidant defense parameters of sows and their piglets organisms. The Animal Biology. 2023; 25(4): 32–36. https://doi.org/10.15407/animbiol25.04.032
  21. Pylypets AZ, Spivak MY, Fedoruk RS, Tsap MM, Kovalchuk II, Romanovyсh MM. Lipid composition and peroxidation products in the body tissues of bees under the action of different doses of nanotechnological ge citrate and probiotic Lactobacillus casei В-7280. The Animal Biology. 2023; 25(1): 20–26. https://doi.org/10.15407/animbiol25.01.020
  22. Sachko SR. The effect of therapeutic feed additive on rumen fermentation in cows with ketosis. The Animal Biology. 2023; 25(1): 39–45. https://doi.org/10.15407/animbiol25.01.039
  23. Serkhovets S, Mazur N, Klepatskyi S, Kovalchuk O. Methods of selecting dogs for the needs of canine units of the sector of security and defense of Ukraine. Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Agricultural sciences. 2024; 25(99): 120-125. https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet-a9920
  24. Schwarz T, Jaros P, Tuz R, Nowicki J, St. Jules S, Małopolska M, Sharan M, Bartlewski PM. Effects of supplemental oxytocin
    or prostaglandin F analogue in extended boar semen on piglet productivity of gilts and sows artificially inseminated in summer. The Animal Biology. 2023; 25(1): 3–8. https://doi.org/10.15407/animbiol25.01.003
  25. Shpyt IV, Fedorovych YI, Kuziv MI, Fedorovych VV, Kuziv NM. Manifestation of milk productivity features of cows depending on productivity of their mothers and mothers of fathers. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. Series: Livestock. 2023; 1(52): 82–88.https://doi.org/10.32782/bsnau.lvst.2023.1.12
  26. Stapay PV, Tiutiunnyk ОS, Stakhiv NP, Pakholkiv NI. Biological features of meat productivity formation in sheep. The Animal Biology. 2023; 25(1): 46–53.https://doi.org/10.15407/animbiol25.01.046
  27. Stetsyshyn MS, Fedorovych VV. Flight activity and pollen and wax productivity of bees of different genealogical formations of the carpathian subspecies. Animal Breeding and Genetics. 2023; 66: 121–128. https://doi.org//10.31073/abg.66.12
  28. Yaremchuk I, Kornyat S, Sharan M, Shtapenko O, Gevkan I, Andrushko O. Metabolic processes and reproductive ability of male rabbits under the action of heat stress. The Animal Biology. 2023; 2594): 26–31.https://doi.org/10.15407/animbiol25.04.026 


  1. Chechet OM, Kovalenko VL, Vishchur OI, Haidei OS, Krushelnytska OV, Gutyj BV. Study the effectiveness of using a complex of disinfectants and probiotics in the presence of poultry. Ukrainian Journal of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences. 2022; 5(2): 8–16.https://doi.org/10.32718/ujvas5-2.02
  2. Chechet OM, Kovalenko VI, Vishchur OI, Haidei OS, Liniichuk NV, Gutyj BV, Krushelnytska OV. The activity of T- and B-cell links of specific protection of chicken-broilers under the influence of synbiotic preparation “Biomagn” and “Diolide” disinfectant. Ukrainian Journal of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences. 2022; 5(1): 46–52.https://doi.org/10.32718/ujvas5-1.08
  3. Fedorovych YI, Fedorovych VV, Kuziv MI. Variability of cows milk productivity traits depending on origin of father and country of selection. Husbandry of the Steppe of Ukraine. 2022; 1(1): 36–44. https://doi.org/10.31867/2786-6750.1.1.2022.36-44
  4. Fedorovych Y, Kuziv M, Melnyk Y, Kuziv N, Fedorovych V. Selection traits of cows of different lines of Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed. Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Agricultural Sciences. 2022; 24(94): 94–100. https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet-a9612
  5. Fedorovych Y, Salyha Y, Fedorovych V, Mazur N, Bodnar P. Development of goat breeding in Ukraine. Bulletin of Agricultural Science. 2022; 2(827): 42–49. https://doi.org/10.31073/agrovisnyk202202-06
  6. Fedoruk RS, Kovalchuk II, Mezentseva LM, Tesarivska UI, Pylypets AZ, Kaplunenko VH. Germanium compounds and their role in animal body. The Animal Biology. 2022; 24(1): 50–60. https://doi.org/10.15407/animbiol24.01.050
  7. Fedoruk R, Kovalchuk I, Tsap M, Pylypets A, Tesarivska U, Shaian O, Koleschuk O. Biological influence of nanotechnological J, Se, S citrates in broiler chickens in the second period of rearing. Animal Husbandry of the Steppe of Ukraine. 2022; 1(2): 157–165. https://doi.org/10.31867/2786-6750.1.2.2022.157-165
  8. Hunchak V, Soltys M, Gutyj B, Hunchak A, Vasiv R, Khariv I. Dynamics of individual biochemical parameters of blood of intact white mice under the action of the drug “Vitosept”. Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Veterinary Sciences. 2022; 24(106): 34–42. https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet10606
  9. Hunchak V, Yuskiv I, Gutyj B, Hunchak A, Parchenko V. Parasitofauna of farm red deer (Cervus elaphus) in Western Polissya of Ukraine. Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Veterinary Sciences. 2022; 24(105): 50–58.https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet10508
  10. Kozak M., Petruh I., Zaichenko A., Ostapiv D., Mitina N., Vlizlo V. Antisense Technology for the Prevention of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy. International biothreat reduction symposium (24-27 Oсtober), Kyiv, Ukraine. 60p.
  11. Orikhivskyi T, Fedorovych Y, Mazur N, Kryshtal O. Breeding and genetic features of simmental animals of different production types. Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Agricultural Sciences. 2022; 24(97): 191–202. https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet-a9732
  12. Petko M, Fedorovych V. Exterior features and morphometric parameters of the bees’ wing of different breeding crosses of the Carpathian breed. Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Agricultural Sciences. 2022; 24(96): 101–105. https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet-a9613
  13. Ratych I, Hunchak A, Sirko Y, Stefanyshyn O, Kyryliv B, Chomyk I. Laying hens productivity and quality of eggs at changing the qualitative and quantitative composition of feed protein. The Animal Biology. 2022; 24(3): 27–32. https://doi.org/10.15407/animbiol24.03.027
  14. Sharan MM, Salyha YT. The status and prospects of reproductive biotechnology application to increase productivity in cattle breeding. The Animal Biology. 2022; 24(3): 44–50.https://doi.org/10.15407/animbiol24.03.044
  15. Shpyt I, Fedorovych Y. The influence of environmental factors on dairy productivity features manifestation of cows of the Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed in dif-ferent zones of their breeding. Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Agricultural Sciences. 2022; 24(96): 106–112. https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlvet-a9614
  16. Shtapenko OV, Gevkan II, Syrvatka VY, Slyvchuk OY, Korbetska OO, Kornyat SB, Yaremchuk IM. Creation of combined stabilizing compositions to preserve the activity of gonadotropins in liquid form. The Animal Biology. 2022; 24(3): 14–17. https://doi.org/10.15407/animbiol24.03.014


  1. Chepurna VA, Suprovych TM, Vishchur OI, Mizik VP, Solovodzinska IY. Influence of liposomal drug on the intensity of proteins oxide modification processes in subclinical mastitis of cows. The Animal Biology. 2021; 23(2): 3–7. https://doi.org/10.15407/animbiol23.02.003
  2. Dobrianska ОP, Zhyla MI, Vishchur OI, Deren OV, Koryliak MZ. Intestinal histostructure and immune protection activity of age -1+ carp after consumption of a prebiotic feed additive. Ukrainian Journal of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences. 2021; 4(2): 31–37. https://doi.org/10.32718/ujvas4-2.06
  3. Fedorovych YI, Muzhenko AV, Sliusar MV. Relationship between chemical and physical indicators of water with morphological signs of cancer of different species. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock. 2021; 4(47): 165–170.https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.lvst.2021.4.28
  4. Fedoruk R.S., Tsap M.M., Tesarivska U.I., Kovalchuk I.I., Koleschuk O.I. Biological effects of different doses of citrate I, Se, S in broiler chickens in the presence and absence of coccidiostats in feed // The Animal Biology. 2021; 23 (3) : 37. http://aminbiol.com.ua/images/Journal/2021/AB_2021_23_3.pdf
  5. Fiyalkovskiy P, Broda N, Vishchur О, Mudrak D. Hematological profile of broiler chickens after action of “Enteronormin” in complex with iodine and selenium. Scientific and Technical Bulletin оf State Scientific Research Control Institute of Veterinary Medical Products and Fodder Additives аnd Institute of Animal Biology. 2021; 22(2): 374–379. https://doi.org/10.36359/scivp.2021-22-2.44
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